I wasn't feeling well at work last night. The logical thing to do would have been to go straight home, take care of the dogs, and crawl into bed (relatively) early. This is not what I did.
I stopped at Wal-Mart, bought yarn, and started a new knitting project.
But it's OK, because I'm almost finished. This is the Dumpling Bag from the fall issue of Interweave Knits. It's the main reason I bought the magazine, so I really needed to make it. It's going to be a gift for someone (maybe). I can only do the felting when I'm visiting my parents, and I have a trip planned soon. And a whole bunch of people on Ravelry are making them. So I went out shopping in the middle of the night when I was sick and bought yarn I don't need to start yet another knitting project because of peer pressure from a whole bunch of people I've never met. Makes perfect sense, right?
So far, the design is everything I'd hoped it would be. It knits up insanely fast. It looks like it's going to be seriously cute. And I hope its intended recipient will like it, if she gets it. (I already have an idea for Dumpling #2, so she may get that instead). I'm pretty sure I'll be able to say that the Dumpling is delicious - and just like the real thing, one won't be enough!
I've enjoyed another tasty treat today - I just had my first pawpaw, which I was surprised and excited to see at the farmers' market today. They may not look like much, but wow, they're tasty - a tropical flavor that's completely unexpected in a native Indiana fruit. You don't see them commercially because they're so hard to ship - the ready-to-eat one I bought at 3:00 was on the edge of overripe by 10:00, and these two will go in the refrigerator in hopes of keeping them a day or two. I was in a hurry so I didn't get to ask where they're from, but you can believe I'm going to look for the seller at the next farmers' market. Maybe tomorrow.
As far as non-food projects go, I'm making progress on the Zero scarf. He's sort of on hold while I finish the Dumpling Bag, but I suspect I'll be back to working on Zero before the weekend. I also suspect I'm going to really hate single crochet before I'm through - the scarf/body part feels like it's going to take a very long time.
But the head is finished, and it was probably the trickiest part. Now it's a totally mindless project for a long time, and only slightly finicky until the last step with the pumpkin nose. Zero should be ready to fly by the end of October, and he'll look great hanging out with my Christmas tree!