Two Warm Dogs
I won't say Max and Oscar enjoy their new sweaters, but they're wearing them, and trying to chew them off each other rather than trying to take them off themselves. I hope this is just playing, and not cooperation.
The sweaters are made from Dale Falk, using a pattern from Posh Pooches, modified for Mosaic Garter Stitch. I think I started Oscar's sweater sometime in February, so that's pretty good progress. Of course, it's entirely possible that we've reached the end of winter, so they won't need their sweaters for another year.
That's good, because I think I still need a little time to modify them. Max's looks more like a tube dress than a sweater. So I'll move up the leg openings, in order to get the neckline around the dog's neck. I was so worried about making the leg openings too small that I misplaced them. Then I'll crochet some trim around the bottom of each sweater, and add cuffs to the legs/arms. But that can wait, because this is enough to keep the dogs warm, and all sorts of projects are calling my name!
Awww..your "fur-kids" are so cute!! I haven't done sweaters for any of mine so I am impressed! Box # 1 is almost ready to go...have to pick up one more thing!
Don't be trying to figure out who I am now!
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