Monday, July 28, 2008

Streptcoccus pyogenes

I was supposed to have a busy and exciting few days. I was going to get up early Wednesday morning, work on Pennsic stuff, go to charity knits, get errands done, sew a lot more, go to Indianapolis, visit the Historical Society, then go to Kentucky to celebrate Aaron's sister's graduation.

But instead I got sick - a "rip-roaring case of strep," according the McDoctors I visited in Indianapolis. $200 and 2 hours for 5 minutes with a doctor, and me in the waiting room too sick to knit. We made it to Kentucky, but I'm afraid I wasn't very lively company.

So I don't have much knitting to share - or much of anything else. My one bit of good news is that the Hufflepuffs won the House Cup for the HSKS5 swap. Huzzah Hufflepuffs!


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